fra hullet i sokken og opp med snoppen til toppen!
du er et barn på åtte eller ni.
det klør i nesa bare jeg hører ordet linjer.
selvsagt en grov forenkling.
be om hjelp, be om nåde, be om igjen.
å dere har slukt lyset.
du er et barn på åtte eller ni.
seg selv som en elv,
gullfisken spøkte fra plastpose til alvor.
sånt de kan finne på å kalle deg, ta-da, i fra deg.
Forfatter: TOL-no
glemsel 3.10.18 13:28:58 – 13:30:57
burde ikke du gjort noe fornuftig?
spørsmålet om kjærlighet er et spørsmål om skjebne.
småfugl eter beinrester.
da du kom kunne du ingenting.
mennesker skifter størrelse rett før de sovner.
selvopptatt si: jeg vil ikke ha barn.
brått er spindelvevet atter usynlig.
med andre ord kan følelser stå opp, kom inn!
muskelsmerter hjelper mot tankesperre.muskelsmerter hjelper mot tankesperre.
hendelse 13.09.18 08:57:11 – 08:58:23
å overleve dette tilbakeslaget spiller ikke på lag med mine styrker.
å dra på hes er oppsig.
et sted har en jente ei pute over hodet.
øde er sentrifugalt.
er alt en gåte? nei, bare sånt som ikke har svar.
en lykkekilde bør man vaske seg i.
innskrevet i en historie som gror og gror.
og forandre seg på stående reisefot.
årh legg ikke tankene rundt meg.
hendelse 13.09.18 08:44:40 – 08:45:47
årene sa: bare et tynt lag rim.
etter stadige tegn, tildragelser, la sjokket seg.etter stadige tegn, tildragelser, la sjokket seg.
å dra på hes er oppsig.
øyet er ei linse.
it opens under our feet, nature loves to opens under our feet, nature loves to hide.
ørkesløshetens tomtegrenser renner ned skråningen.
i konteksten blir blir uten sammenheng, agenda, og døgnåpent.
confrontation, September 12, 2018, 10:56:12 – 10:57:21
the best things in life lie not in the act.
oh these words mean something else, see what happens.
the sentences are allergic, cough, cough.
oh, to sack the chef and the waiter and find a nice place!
oh, this is the year people are discussing round the dinner table again, 2018?
oh, settle down flights of fancies.
so like a child, demonstratively slamming doors.
happenstance, September 12, 2018, 10:48:19 – 10:49:12
every restriction is sacrosanct.
let the mind wander and see if it boomerangs.
and i saw the end of all my joys.
silence, what’s that?
we might get a kick out of your idea and adopt it
the years leave a thin film of rime.
if i see salome, then that’s that, c’est tout.
make the fear of god from mirrors and rope.
to ask the dust:
confrontation, September 11, 2018, 17:43:32 – 17:45:18
to fly kites for the air force
you love four words. time to update.
as hope shatters so winter comes.
are you?
to be alone on a break in the cloakroom of civilisation.
oh, your nearest and dearest, one and only, be your ear and hand.
my palms start to sweat at the mere mention of the word palms start to sweat at the mere mention of the word lines.
oblivion, September 10, 2018, 17:52:51 – 17:56:20
the wind sweeps through the walls.
one can learn to trust one’s gut instinct.
when wounds are scars are questions asked?
shouldn’t you do something sensible?
proudly lie down in protest.
rilke thought dragons were princesses, not the other way round
the ghosts live so close to us.
don’t fuck up my search history!
the wounds in relationships, we live around the land.
oblivion, September 10, 2018, 14:37:41 – 14:42:38
people change size just before they fall asleep.
is it all a mystery?
picturing people of the future is painful.
personally, you never suspected, far less thought likely, or even possible that this could happen to me.
day out, day wane.
inside an imaginary hedge.
are you true to your partner, your lack of ideals?
if only we became what we love.
confrontation, September 10, 2018, 11:45:47 – 11:47:21
you should chase the butterflies till you can’t find the way should chase the butterflies till you can’t find the way back.
one can be moved to tears by one’s own thoughts.
the magpies hop through the veranda door, eat the candle wax, steal everything.
when wounds are scars are questions asked?
save the king, offer your horse!
temples in ruins / two sisters, the tomb / the flight to egypt.